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For a flawless translation

Translating contracts

Are you sure your translation is correct?

Machine translation software: Did you use machine translation software to translate your document? In that event, there is a risk the translation will contain errors. This may have serious consequences, especially in case of legal documents. For this reason, it's important to have your translation checked by an expert. If you want to be sure the translation is ready for use, please let me help you by proofreading it.

Quality: Are you wondering whether your translation meets your expectations with regard to quality? Make sure you have your translation checked by a translation expert. I will provide you with an expert language opinion with regards to the quality of your translation. Based on the outcome, you can opt for revision of your translation to have it customized to your quality expectations.Please reach out, if you would like to opt for this opportunity.

Plain language: I will carry out a plain language check, in order to be sure your target audience understands your message. privacy notices it is even legally required to use plain language.

Which proofreading and revision services do I offer?

  • Machine Translation Post-editing: Improving translations drafted by an automatic translation tool.
  • Quality Assurance: thorough check of translations to ensure consistency and accuracy.
  • Plain language check: I will checking the text and adapt it, if necessary, to your target audience.

Make your choice based on quality and opt for my flawless legal and sworn/certified translations. Contact me today for more information or a free quote.

Optimize your legal documents with my professional language and translation services!

Should you have questions about this service, please feel free to to reach out. me or ask for a ask for a free quote here.

What clients say

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    Miranda Donkersloot
    Haskelant 2
    1722 LC Zuid-Scharwoude (the Netherlands)
    The Netherlands
    +31 (0)6 505 15 337
